Que sabem eles?
Later on I was told by locals that the cost of replacement for that car in that area would be a little over 200 euros. Those locals told me many unusual things about everyday life in Portugal and Portuguese mentality. I can not provide info on everything I heard within hours of conversations. From his or her childhood a Portuguese person is persuaded that the most valuable thing in life is patience. Wait and something good will definitely happen to you. This was absolute true as we speak of my case and Real Car. They waited, I came over, and they made good money. Being hardworking is not a priority, aspirations to set up goals and achieve them are not priorities in Portugal. No wonder Portugal is one of the poorest countries in Europe.
How do they make their money? They wait for people like me and you. They call them tourists. They would charge you 5 euros for a drink. The cash register would be in front of you. You would see that the actual cost of a drink was 1.5 euros. As you start talking to them about it they lose ability to speak and understand English.
If you want to see absolutely insane drivers on the roads, go to Portugal. You will see what you never saw in your entire life. You will see guys doing 160 miles per hour in 120 kilometers per hour (75 MPH) zone. After I saw it I got to statistics. Portugal has the biggest death toll on the roads in Europe.
Among the things the locals told me were the things absolutely bizarre for an American. In the US we say I need to go to a restroom. A Portuguese person will describe in details what he or she would do in a restroom. A lady can stand up in a middle of a meeting and say I need to go and shee-shee, or I need to go and co-co… No translation needed.
in: TripAdvisor
Etiquetas: MJR
Os 2 últimos parágrafos são uma delícia!
... brilhante... !!!
Vale a pena clicar nos links, no de cima ("Portugal sucks") e no de baixo («TripAdvisor»)
Como é dito abaixo, tudo é relativo.
Esse americano devia ir a Itália ver como os condutores respeitam o sinal vermelho e as passadeiras de peões.
Assassino em série por assassino em série, prefiro um português a um americano - geral/ o americano mata muito mais (há quem diga que é por o país ser grande!).
Os americanos que tenham juízo que já começa a haver muitos países que não querem dólares.
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